Merging Anubis Pro2 channels 24bit/192kHz analog to digital2 channels 24bit/192kHz digital to analogTopping DX7s2 channels 32bit/768kHz digital to analog2 channels DSD 512 digital to analogMytek Stereo 192 DSD DAC2 channels 32bit/192kHz digital to analog2 channels DSD 128 digital to analogMytek Stereo 96 ADC2 channels 24bit/96kHz analog to digitalLavry Engineering 4496 w/ 2 MDA244 channels 24bit/96kHz digital to analogApogee Soundscape I/O8968 channels 24bit/96kHz analog to digital8 channels 24bit/96kHz digital to analog
digital & analog audio masteringAustin / Cedar Park · Texas · USA
TSM's studio has some of the finest high end analog processors (which sometimes can be just the thing to bring out the life in all-digital mixes), full range ultra accurate monitors (allowing us to hear what is going on in every aspect of your mix), excellent converters (allowing us to capture and monitor as accurately as possible your tracks to and from the digital realm), sophisticated digital processors and editors, and a clean signal path that allows for easily monitoring level matched single button push a/b's between the source and the processed signal (to allow for accurate and efficient decision making during mastering).We monitor with Bowers & Wilkins (B&W) Nautilus 802's - powered by an ultra clean and powerful Pass LabsX250 class A amplifier - fed by Merging,Mytekand Lavry digital to analog converters and a Coleman Audio passive monitor controller - to allow for simply one of the most accurate and revealing monitoring systems assembled. In 2017 we acquired a Hiltongrove Green Room Stereo Equaliser- a unique custom analog mastering equalizer (one of only two in the world) built by renowned audio processor designer Barry Porter himself. We've also had the premier NYC technician Dan Zellman customize our Rupert Neve designed Amek Medici and SontecMEP250EXmastering equalizers to provide unbeatable sound. Our analog rack also features excellent equalizers by API, Avalon Design, and Hand Crafted Labs, de-essers by Empirical Labs, and compressor/limiters by Focusrite Blue, Pendulum Audio, SPL and Vintage Design. Our unique Sony/MCI JH110M 1/4" & 1/2" analog reel playback deck has been reconditioned by Dan Zellman and JRF Magnetics. Analog audio is converted to the digital realm using premium Merging, Mytek and Apogee converters - allowing us to accurately and transparently capture the actual sound of the source without compromises. Analog connections are made with custom made Mogami/gold Neutrik balanced cables routed through our Manley Backbone transfer console - which allows us to place any analog processor in or out of the signal chain at a single button push, while still maintaining a pristine signal throughout every part of the path. Digital connections are routed through custom made Canare AES cables, with Z-Sys Detangler digital patch bays allowing us to rout to and from a multitude of digital audio players, PC workstations, recorders and converters with a single button push. We use SAWStudio Digital Audio Workstations for the power of their ultra-quick seamless editing and for the excellence of their 64bit fixed point internal processing, complimented by the Izotope RX 11 Advancededitor for advanced restoration work, and Sonoris DDP Creator Pro for master output. We have participated in the beta testing and design for many of the excellent sounding JMS Audiowareand Sonoris SAW native digital processing plugins we use. We also have a wide array of mastering caliber VST plugins for equalization, limiting, compression, transient shaping, harmonic saturation, stereo image manipulation, noise reduction, hum and buzz removal, click and crackle removal, and reverberation, done cleanly and precisely in the digital realm when desired.
Merging Anubis Pro2 channels 24bit/192kHz analog to digital2 channels 24bit/192kHz digital to analogTopping DX7s2 channels 32bit/768kHz digital to analog2 channels DSD 512 digital to analogMytek Stereo 192 DSD DAC2 channels 32bit/192kHz digital to analog2 channels DSD 128 digital to analogMytek Stereo 96 ADC2 channels 24bit/96kHz analog to digitalLavry Engineering 4496 w/ 2 MDA244 channels 24bit/96kHz digital to analogApogee Soundscape I/O8968 channels 24bit/96kHz analog to digital8 channels 24bit/96kHz digital to analog
digital & analog audio masteringAustin / Cedar Park · Texas · USA
TSM's studio has some of the finest high end analog processors (which sometimes can be just the thing to bring out the life in all-digital mixes), full range ultra accurate monitors (allowing us to hear what is going on in every aspect of your mix), excellent converters (allowing us to capture and monitor as accurately as possible your tracks to and from the digital realm), sophisticated digital processors and editors, and a clean signal path that allows for easily monitoring level matched single button push a/b's between the source and the processed signal (to allow for accurate and efficient decision making during mastering).We monitor with Bowers & Wilkins (B&W) Nautilus 802's - powered by an ultra clean and powerful Pass LabsX250 class A amplifier - fed by Merging,Mytekand Lavrydigital to analog converters and a Coleman Audio passive monitor controller - to allow for simply one of the most accurate and revealing monitoring systems assembled. In 2017 we acquired a Hiltongrove Green Room Stereo Equaliser- a unique custom analog mastering equalizer (one of only two in the world) built by renowned audio processor designer Barry Porter himself. We've also had the premier NYC technician Dan Zellman customize our Rupert Neve designed Amek Medici and SontecMEP250EXmastering equalizers to provide unbeatable sound. Our analog rack also features excellent equalizers by API, Avalon Design, and Hand Crafted Labs, de-essers by Empirical Labs, and compressor/limiters by Focusrite Blue, Pendulum Audio, SPL and Vintage Design. Our unique Sony/MCI JH110M 1/4" & 1/2" analog reel playback deck has been reconditioned by Dan Zellman and JRF Magnetics. Analog audio is converted to the digital realm using premium Merging, Mytek and Apogeeconverters - allowing us to accurately and transparently capture the actual sound of the source without compromises. Analog connections are made with custom made Mogami/gold Neutrik balanced cables routed through our Manley Backbonetransfer console - which allows us to place any analog processor in or out of the signal chain at a single button push, while still maintaining a pristine signal throughout every part of the path. Digital connections are routed through custom made Canare AES cables, with Z-SysDetangler digital patch bays allowing us to rout to and from a multitude of digital audio players, PC workstations, recorders and converters with a single button push. We use SAWStudio Digital Audio Workstations for the power of their ultra-quick seamless editing and for the excellence of their 64bit fixed point internal processing, complimented by the Izotope RX 11 Advancededitor for advanced restoration work, and Sonoris DDP Creator Pro for master output. We have participated in the beta testing and design for many of the excellent sounding JMS Audioware and Sonoris SAW native digital processing plugins we use. We also have a wide array of mastering caliber VST plugins for equalization, limiting, compression, transient shaping, harmonic saturation, stereo image manipulation, noise reduction, hum and buzz removal, click and crackle removal, and reverberation, done cleanly and precisely in the digital realm when desired.